It would be difficult to find a more influential Chinese Buddhist monk than Tiantai Zhiyi 天台智顗 (538-597). He wrote a seminal treatise about Indian Buddhist meditation practices (e.g., Great Treatise on Concentration (śamatha) and Insight (vipśayanā), Mohe zhiguan 摩訶止觀), advocated for classifying the teachings (panjiao 判教) of the historical Buddha Śākyamuni into the five periods and eight teachings, and he wrote or monumental commentaries to three key Mahāyāna sūtras are attributed to him. These sūtras include the Lotus (Fahua xuanyi 法華玄義 and Fahua wenju 法華文句), Suvarṇabhāsottama (Jinguangming jing xuanyi 金光明經玄義 and Jingguangming jing wenju 金光明經文句), and Vimalakīrtinirdeśa (Weimo jing xuanshu 維摩經玄疏 and Weimo jing wenshu 維摩經文疏). Furthermore, by the 9th century the temple on Mount Tiantai in present day Zhejiang province which legend says was commissioned immediately after his death by emperor Sui Wendi 隋文帝 (r. 581-604), Guoqing monastery 國清寺, had become the focus of pilgrimage by monks from Japan and Korea. Pilgrims including Saichō 最澄 (767-822), Ennin 圓仁 (794-864), and Enchin 圓珍 (814-191) returned with Zhiyi’s teachings and those from their contemporaries at Guoqing si to establish two of the most enduring monastic institutions in Japan: Enryakuji 延暦寺 on Mount Hiei 比叡山 and Onjōji 園城寺 (alt. Miidera 三井寺).The organizing committee for the international conference on “Tiantai Buddhism and East Asian Societies” cordially invites the submission of related papers. The conference is hosted by the Center for Buddhist Studies at Peking University 北京大學佛教研究中心 in Beijing, China, sponsored by the Cultural Exchange Center of Mount Tiantai 天台山文化交流中心, and co-organized by the From the Ground Up project based at the University of British Columbia ( conference will be held between December 6 and 8, 2019 at Peking University.
Compared with other Buddhist traditions in East Asia, Tiantai/ Chontae/Tendai seems to have maintained particularly intensive and extensive engagement in doctrinal debates, resulting in the increasing deepening and widening of Buddhist teachings and practices as shown, among others, by the rare documents known as “Tōketsu” 唐決 (Authorizing Answers from Tang China). These documents amply demonstrate the multi-directional nature of the impacts between East Asian Buddhist communities and broach the extent to which Chinese Tiantai Buddhist scholiasts were influenced by their counterparts in Korea and Japan.
Tiantai adherents revolutionized the ritual life of Buddhism across China during the 10th and 11th centuries when the Jiangnan 江南 region remained a vibrant crossroads for monastics from across East Asia; Uicheon 義天 (1055-1101) traveled to Song China from Goryeo 高麗 Korea to meet eminent Tiantai and Huayan 華嚴 teachers. For nearly a millennium thereafter, monastics from the Tiantai or Tendai or Chontae traditions in China, Japan, and Korea interacted with members of other Buddhist traditions (esp. Vinaya, Chan, Huayan, or Esoteric Buddhism) and beyond to fundamentally shape religion in East Asia.
This conference seeks to address how Tiantai Buddhism spread throughout East Asia, and to explore how Tiantai teachings and teachers contributed to the multi-dimensional and multi-directional circulation of book culture in East Asia. In particular, we seek to investigate how Tiantai texts were exported from China to the rest of East Asia, and conversely how their re-importation back into China, especially from the Korean peninsula and Japan, transformed not only the intellectual history of East Asian Buddhism, but also how the trade in specifically Tiantai books—not necessarily Buddhist—can be an innovative lens through which to examine the social, economic, institutional, and religious life of East Asia.
In order to retrace the historical development of East Asian Tiantai Buddhism that spread from Mount Tiantai and the Jiangnan across East Asia, this conference proposes the following themes that are not exclusive: Translation, collection, compilation and propagation of East Asian Tiantai Buddhist texts; Circulation and redistribution of Tiantai literature across East Asia; East Asian Tiantai Buddhists and the book trade; “Currents and Countercurrents”: Doctrinal debates among Tiantai/ Chontae/Tendai Scholar-monks; Philosophical Development in Tiantai/Chontae/Tendai: A Pan-East Asian PerspectivePractices and transmission of East Asian Tiantai Buddhism and the development and changes in other East Asian societies; East Asian Tiantai Buddhism and painting, sculpture and art; East Asian Tiantai Buddhism and literature; East Asian Tiantai Buddhism and medieval astronomy, calendrical calculations, mathematics, and science; East Asian Tiantai Buddhists and miracle tales East Asian Tiantai Buddhism and the spread and development of technological inventions and transformations in medieval Asia; Interactions between East Asian Tiantai Buddhists and non-Buddhist religious teachers, traditions and developments; Tiantai Buddhism and the military and diplomacy in East Asia.
From Tiantai to Hiei – Panelists
序號 |
姓名 |
學校 |
發表題目 |
1 |
王頌 |
北京大學 |
天臺智者解經思想探源 |
2 |
杨浩 |
北京大學 |
天臺宗的“一乘”思想與天臺佛學的邏輯結構——從天臺智者對《法華經》“無二亦無三”的誤讀說起 |
3 |
悟燈 |
北京大學 |
法華三昧行法的成立與流傳 |
4 |
李薇 |
北京大學 |
天臺智顗《菩薩戒義疏》的受戒法研究 |
5 |
孫海科 |
北京大學 |
天臺“九師相承”說所見北朝禪觀 |
6 |
Suhyoung Sung 成叙永 |
清華大學 |
高麗與遼《妙法蓮花經變相圖》比較研究 |
7 |
王勇 |
浙江大学 |
東亞語境中的“天臺山” |
8 |
张文良 |
中國人民大學 |
天臺智雲的《大乘起信論》觀 |
9 |
慧正 |
南京大學 |
中國天臺宗思想在越南的傳播 |
10 |
張凱 |
寧波大學 |
北宋初期中日天臺宗的思想交流——以源清與日僧的交流為中心 |
11 |
吳忠偉 |
蘇州大學 |
中日天臺義學辯論的演化 |
12 |
敖英 |
台州學院 |
元曉的法華經觀——兼與智者大師比較 |
13 |
Hans-Rudolf Kantor |
華梵大學 |
Formation and Relevance of Paradoxical Discourse in Doctrinal Exegesis of Chinese Tiantai Thought—A Philosophical Examination of “Ji” |
14 |
林佩瑩 |
輔仁大學 |
The Tendai Use of Official Documents in the Ninth Century: Revisiting the Case of Monk Daosui |
15 |
菅野博史 |
日本創價大學 |
天臺智顗對《法華經》與《涅槃經》關係的分判(天台智顗における『法華経』と『涅槃経』の関係) |
16 |
花野充道 |
日本創價大學 |
本覺思想與天臺本覺思想(本覚思想と天台本覚思想) |
17 |
松森秀幸 |
日本創價大學 |
《法華傳記》中的天臺諸師傳 |
18 |
康昊 |
日本大阪大學 |
宋元時期日本僧的天臺巡禮與趙宋天臺 |
19 |
Robert Rhodes |
日本大谷大學 |
Criticism of the View that the Two Vehicles Attain Extinction found in the Japanese Tendai Monk Genshin’s Ichijō Yōketsu: His Response to the Cheng weishi lun zhangzhong shuyao |
20 |
釆睪晃 |
日本大谷大學 |
末法思想傳入日本與臨池伽藍的關係(末法思想の日本への流伝と臨池伽藍) |
21 |
木内堯大 |
日本大正大學 |
“靈山同聽”說在日本的展開(霊山同聴の日本的展開) |
22 |
神達知純 |
日本大正大學 |
“五種法師”說的展開(五種法師の展開) |
23 |
大松久規 |
日本愛知大學院大學 |
寶地房證真對《摩訶止觀》的理解(宝地房証真の『摩訶止観』理解) |
24 |
林鳴宇 |
日本東京電機大學 |
天臺護國思想研究 |
25 |
福原隆善 |
日本佛教大學 |
懺悔與念佛:以五悔思想為中心(懺悔と念仏—五悔思想をめぐって—) |
26 |
趙新玲 |
日本高野山大學 |
安然與《諸阿闍梨真言密教部類總錄(安然と『諸阿闍梨真言密教部類總録』) |
27 |
朱紅軍 |
日本關西大學 |
赤山明神信仰在東亞範圍內相互關聯的研究(東アジアにおける赤山明神の交渉研究) |
28 |
藤井教公 |
日本國際佛教學大學院大學 |
法華時判教說的學說傳承:以“靈山八年說”為對象(『法華経』説時の伝承 ─ 霊山八箇年について─) |
29 |
落合俊典 |
日本國際佛教學大學院大學 |
中世日本天臺的四教義問答:以真福寺藏《四十問答》為線索(中世日本天台における四教義の問答ー真福寺蔵『四十問答』を手掛かりとしてー) |
30 |
則慧 |
日本國際佛教學大學院大學 |
《天臺宗未決》所見道邃的思想(『天台宗未決』からみれる道の天台思想) |
31 |
淺野學 |
日本國際佛教學大學院大學 |
圓珍在唐留學與撰寫《法華論記》(円珍の在唐留学と『法華論記』撰述をめぐって) |
32 |
山口弘江 |
日本駒澤大學 |
天臺《維摩經疏》在東亞的流傳與接受(東アジアにおける天台維摩経疏の流伝と受容) |
33 |
李子捷 |
日本駒澤大學 |
The theory of tathatā and tathāgatagarbha in the Dasheng zhiguan famen: with a focus on the relationship with the Ratnagotravibhāga |
34 |
村上明也 |
日本龍谷大學 |
章安灌頂的義學形成過程(章安灌頂の教学形成過程) |
35 |
桑穀祐顯 |
日本叡山學院 |
最澄義學所見入唐成果(最澄教学に見る入唐成果) |
36 |
伊藤進傳 |
日本叡山學院 |
法照的五會念佛——南嶽・五臺山・太原・長安・比叡山(法照の五会念仏−南岳・五台山・太原・長安・比叡山) |
37 |
阪本道生 |
日本叡山學院 |
天臺智者與慈雲遵式的施食思想(仏教における施食考-中国天台を中心として-) |
38 |
Paul Swanson |
日本南山大學 |
What Does it Mean to “Read” Chinese Buddhist Texts: Reflections on a 30-year project to translate the Mohezhiguan into English |
39 |
Matthew McMullen |
日本南山大學 |
A Buddha by Any Other Name: The Discursive Origins of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism |
40 |
Sem Vermeersch |
韓國首爾大學 Seoul National University |
Ch’ŏnt’ae after Ŭich’ŏn: Was there a Korean Ch’ŏnt’ae Orthodoxy? |
41 |
Seungnam Lee (Ven. Gwangdo 光道) |
韩国金刚大学 Geumgang University |
A study on the metaphor of white lotus flower in the title of the Lotus Sutra |
42 |
明臻 |
韓國金剛大學 Geumgang University |
中韓天臺宗的歷史交融—以天臺山螺溪傳教院為例 |
43 |
朴鐘茂 |
韓國湖原大學 Howon University |
試探高麗後期天臺宗白蓮社修行和《法華經》——以真靜國師《湖山錄》和《海東傳弘錄》為中心 |
44 |
法長(李忠煥) |
韓國僧伽大學 |
智顗《菩薩戒義疏》的戒體論(智顗の『菩薩戒義疏』の戒体論について) |
45 |
Jinhua Chen 陳金華 |
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 The University of British Columbia |
On the Multiple Sources for two Polemical Texts between Tendai and Shingon |
46 |
Ernest Brewster 白立冰 |
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學University of British Columbia |
No Difference in Difference: Chuandeng on the Two Aspects of Thusness (Tathatā) |
47 |
Mingli Sun 孫明利 |
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 University of British Columbia |
Cosmographical and Cognitive Maps in the 13th Century Complete Chronicle of the Buddha and Patriarchs |
48 |
George Keyworth |
加拿大薩斯喀徹爾大學University of Saskatchewan |
The Amanosan Kongōji edition of the Biography of Enchin by Miyoshi no Kiyoyuki: A Sacred Teachings (shōgyō) Document that Chronicles the Reputation of Enchin and Miidera as the Penultimate Buddhist Temple in Medieval Japan |
49 |
Albert Welter |
美國亞利桑那大學 University of Arizona |
Between Hiei and Tiantai: Dreams of India in Myōan Eisai’s Search for Authentic Buddhism |
50 |
Richard McBride |
美國楊百翰大學夏威夷分校 Brigham Young University–Hawaii |
The Memory of Ŭich’ŏn in Tiantai Histories of the Late Southern Song |
51 |
Rongdao Lai 釋融道 |
美國南加州大學 University of Southern California |
What is in A Dharma Transmission?: Lineage Identity in Modern Tiantai Buddhism |
52 |
Tim Barrett |
英國倫敦大學 University of London |
Tiantai scholarship and publication beyond the Tiantai lineage: A Sino-Japanese Case Study |
53 |
Mónika Kiss |
匈牙利羅蘭大學 Eötvös Loránd University |
The Tendai Tradition of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Prolonger of Life (Fugen Enmei Bosatsu) |