
Biography 簡歷
Michael Cavayero is an Assistant Professor in the School of Arts at Peking University. He is also cross-appointed as a Research Fellow at Peking Unversity’s Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art. Cavayero was formally appointed as a Boya International Talent Program Postdoctoral Fellow at Peking University’s Department of South Asian Studies (2020-23) and a Visiting Lecturer of the International College of the China Academy of Art. His research focuses on the relationship between Buddhism’s dissemination and the process of Sinicization in medieval China and the early textual history of Chinese painting. Cavayero’s Postdoctoral research also examined early Indian Buddhist Epigraphy during the Aśokan period. He received a BFA (cum laude) from New York University, the Steinhardt School (2009), as part of the University’s Presidential Scholar’s Program (full-tuition scholarship). Previously he studied at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. From 2010-2011, Cavayero lived in Kyoto, Japan, funded by the Freeman-Asia grant under the Fulbright program (IIE) as a research student at Kyoto-Seika University. Consecutively, he completed his master’s (2015) and PhD (conferred in 2020) degrees at the China Academy of Art (i.e., the Chinese National Academy of Art) in Hangzhou under the inaugural “10,000 Strong” US-China Humanities Bridge-Scholarship program initiated by the Obama Administration, the US Department of Education, and the Chinese Government.
柯偉業(Michael Cavayero),美術學博士,北京大學藝術學院助理教授、研究員。曾先後就讀于庫伯高等科學與藝術聯盟學院(The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art)和紐約大學(New York University),並於後者以“精英青年學者計畫”(Scholar’s Program)全額獎學金獲藝術學學士(BFA)學位,隨後於中國美術學院取得美術學碩士、博士。2020年加入北京大學外國語學院南亞學系任“博士後國際交流計畫引進項目”博雅博士後,兼任北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心助理研究員,2023年春季加入北京大學藝術學院。主要研究領域為古代藝術史與宗教互動研究、中國和印度佛教藝術與佛教歷史、古代畫論文獻。代表研究有《〈歷代名畫記〉中“心源”與“妙悟”佛教源流研究》、《〈佛說阿惟越致遮經〉中“心源”詞義的研究》、《張璪畫論與繪事中的佛教因素》、《印度佛教碑銘學的學術史考察——以阿育王碑銘中“破僧法敕”為中心》等。
Appointed Positions 工作經歷
2023-: Assistant Professor, Peking University, School of Arts;
2020-2023: International Talent Boya Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of South Asian Studies, Peking University;
2020-2023: Assistant Research Fellow, Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art; Visiting Lecturer, the China Academy of Art
Monographs 著作
Fountainhead of the Mind—Buddhist Origins of Key Terms found in Early Chinese Painting Theory Along the Silk Roads (in preparation).
Select Publications 代表論文(部分)
‘Foshuo Aweiyuezhizhe jing zhong Xinyuan ciyi de yanjiu’ 《佛説阿惟越致遮經》中“心源”詞義的研究 [The Lexical Meaning of the Term Xinyuan in the Foshuo aweiyuezhizhe jing (the Avaivartikacakra Sūtra)]. Shijie zongjiao wenhua 世界宗教文化 [The World Religious Cultures], CSSCI, (2022):Vol. 136 No. 4. 183-189.
‘Zhangzao hualun zhong de fojiao yinsu’ 張璪畫論與繪事中的佛教因素 [Buddhist Elements in Tang Dynasty Zhang Zao’s Painting Theory and Practice]. Xin meishu 新美術 [New Arts, JCAA], CSSCI, (2021):Vol. 42. No. 2 48-64.
Michael Cavayero, “Newly Emergent Terminologies in Tang Dynasty Texts on Chinese Painting, and the Relationship to Buddhism—Taking Zhang Zao’s Xinyuan 心源 (Mind as the Source of All Things; ‘Fountainhead of [the] Mind’; citta-carita/āśaya) as Example.” Proceedings of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, XIXth Congress of the IABS, Aug. 15th-19th (國際會議論文集), 2022.8;
柯偉業 [Michael Cavayero]:《〈佛說阿惟越致遮經〉中“心源”詞義的研究》,《世界宗教文化》[The World Religious Cultures](CSSCI),2022年第4期(總第136期).
柯偉業 [Michael Cavayero]:《張璪畫論與繪事中的佛教因素》,《新美術》[New Arts](CSSCI),2021年第2期(總第42卷).
Translations 譯著
Monographs (Co-translation) 参著(專著翻譯)
Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism敦煌佛教律儀制度研究(合譯), Zhan Ru 湛如, Translation Published by Brill, Studies on East Asian Religions Vol. 7, (2023), Jinhua Chen, Michael Cavayero, et al;
“Introduction: The World of the Painted Screen”, published by Suzhou Museum, Suzhou, PRC, Sept. 2019, in conjunction with large-scale exhibition: The Painted Screen Past and Future curated by Wu Hung 巫鴻 (2019.9);
“A Conversation Between the Past and Present—Taking the Painted Screen as an Example”, published by Suzhou Museum, Suzhou, PRC, Sept. 2019, in conjunction with large-scale exhibition: The Painted Screen Past and Future curated by Wu Hung 巫鸿 (2019.9).
Select Articles 學術論文翻譯(部分)
“The Design of Ximing Monastery and its Influence on Japanese Monasteries” 西明寺的形制及其對日本寺院的影響, Zhan Ru 湛如. In Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 華林國際佛學學刊, eds., Chen Jinhua et al., 2023 (in press).
“Precepts and the Calculation of Time: The Case of the Buddhist Monk Yixing” 戒律與計時——以僧一行爲中心, Zhan Ru 湛如. In Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 華林國際佛學學刊, eds., Chen Jinhua et al., 2023 (in press).
“Depictions of Violence in the Numerological Activities of the Nirgranthas: Centering on the Records Found in Buddhist Texts in Chinese Translation” 尼乾子的術數活動:以漢譯佛經中的記載爲中心. Chen Ming 陳明. In (Non-) Violence in Jaina Philosophy, Literature and Art. Edited by Peter Flügel, Dev Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2022.
“Ximing Monastery’s Esoteric Buddhist Traditions,” 西明寺的密學傳統. Zhan Ru 湛如. In Studies in Chinese Religions. Routledge, eds., Chen Jinhua et al. 2021, 7:4, 417-434.
“The Merging of Tiantai and Vinaya: The Monks of Ximing Monastery and Mount Tiantai” 台律融合:西明寺僧與天台山. Zhan Ru 湛如. In Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 華林國際佛學學刊, 4.1 (2021), eds., Chen Jinhua et al. pp. 356-380.
Participation in Major Projects承擔項目/課題
2018 “Translation and Research of Important Literary and Artistic Texts of Indian Classical Sanskrit,” 印度古典梵語文藝學重要文獻翻譯與研究, supported by the Major Program of the NSSFC 國家社科基金重大項目, project No: 18ZDA286.
2020 “‘Chinese Painting Studies’ Critical Research,” 中國畫學研究 supported by the Major Program in the Arts of the NSSFC 國家社科基金重大藝術項目, project No: 20ZD13.
2020 “Bimo (‘Brush and Ink’ Research) Academic Publication Series,” 《筆墨研究》叢書項目, Fudan University, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy Key Project supported by the Ministry of Education 復旦大學哲學學院橫向課題.
2021 “Research on the Extant Manuscripts and Visual Artifacts from the Western Regions of the Dharmaguptaka” “法藏部” 西域寫本與圖像研究 supported by the General Program of the NSSFC 國家社會科學基金一般項目, project No: 2244.
2021 “Connections between China and India: The Buddhist Origins of Medieval Chinese Painting Terminology” 中古畫論詞彙佛教源流研究——中印文化融合舉隅, Minor project under Major Program of the NSSFC 國家社科基金重大項目, project No: 18ZDA286, and supported by the Peking University, project No: 8430502508.