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Lecture | Justin R. Ritzinger: Taixu's Maitreya Thought and Practice

Release time:2019-10-26 09:18  Source:燕园佛学    Author:

北京大學佛學研究系列講座 第25


       Devotion to Modernity: Master Taixus Maitreyan Thought and Practice





主講人芮哲  美國邁阿密大學副教授

主持人王頌  北京大學哲學系教授




Justin R. Ritzinger 芮哲 is associate professor of Religious Studies at the University ofMiami. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2010. A scholar ofmodern and contemporary Buddhism in Mainland China and Taiwan, he studies thedevelopment and articulation of Buddhist modernism in the Chinese-speakingworld, excavating the role played by seemingly non-modern ideas and practicesin that movement. He is the author of Anarchyin the Pure Land: Reinventing the Cult of Maitreya in Modern Chinese Buddhism(Oxford University Press, 2003) and has published on topics including Buddhisteschatology, engagements with anarchism and evolutionary theory, and thedynamics of Buddhist tourism development in contemporary China. He is currentlyworking on an ethnographic study of a blue-collar lay Buddhist organization.





Taixu is widely seen as a pivotal figure inthe emergence of a modern Buddhism in China. Although recent scholarship hasbegun to expand and nuance our understanding of his life and thought, heremains best remembered for ideas such as Human Life Buddhism 人生佛教 and the Pure Land on Earth 人间净土. As a resultit has been easy to see him as a classic “modernizing” figure, concerned torationalize and demythologize his tradition. Yet he was also a devotee of thebodhisattva Maitreya and a vigorous proponent of his pure land. This presentsan apparent anomaly: In his Maitreyan thought, Taixu shows precisely the kindof concern for ritual, supernatural beings, and the afterlife that is oftenassumed to be rejected in the name of “modernity.” To make sense of thisrequires a new perspective on the formulation of alternative modernities. Thislecture draws on Charles Taylor’s notion of moral frameworks to argue that thecult of Maitreya represents an attempt to articulate a new constellation ofvalues that integrates novel understandings of the Good clustered around modernvisions of utopia with the central Buddhist value of Buddhahood.




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