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Lecture | T. H. Barrett: The Intersection of Boatius and Tang Dynasty

Release time:2019-12-03 20:46  Source:燕园佛学    Author:

北京大學佛學研究系列講座 第26



Understanding Boethius (c. 477-524) and Understanding the Tang:

Some Common Problems


  :2019年12月6日 19:00-21:00



主講人巴瑞特  英國倫敦大學亞非學院教授

主持人陸 揚  北京大學歷史系教授




T. H. Barrett isProfessor Emeritus of East Asian History, SOAS, University of London. Hegraduated in Chinese Studies from Cambridge and then completed his doctorate atYale in Religious Studies.  Apart fromeleven years of teaching in Chinese Studies in Cambridge, he taught at SOAS inHistory and then in Religious Studies until his retirement at the end of 2013.In 2018 he was Shinnyo-en Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies at StanfordUniversity. His publications include The Woman who Invented Printing (2008)and Taoism Under the T’ang: Religion and Empire during the Golden Age ofChinese History (1996).





This lecturewill take as its starting point the recent reconstruction of the music that wasused a thousand years ago as a setting for the songs included in the Consolationof Philosophy written at the end of his life by Boethius, and compares itwith the problems of reconstructing Tang music. But it is suggested that problems in understanding the thought of the Consolationof Philosophy against what we know of the beliefs of its author might alsobe of some significance in suggesting problems in our understanding of Tangthought.




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