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Lecture Series on Indian Studies | Professor ISAACSON of Hamburg University

Release time:2023-03-25 10:31  Source:燕园佛学    Author:

漢堡大學HARUNAGA ISAACSON教授应邀在北大举办三场印度學講座

About Speaker: 2022–current, Head of the Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg. April 2006- current, Professor of Classical Indology, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg. Sept.2002-March 2006, Assistant Professor, Department of South Asia Studies, University of Pennsylvania.



主講人:Harunaga Isaacson (漢堡大學)


Well-spoken Verses: Anthologies of Sanskrit single-verse poems, and the light shed by them on interactions between Buddhists and non-Buddhists in the early second millennium.

Single-verse poems, often called subhāṣitas or sūktis, “well-spoken [verses]” or “good/beautiful utterances/sayings,” formed an important part of the curriculum and indeed of the culture of Sanskrit users in pre-modern times, and indeed of the small group of traditional Sanskrit scholars today as well. Anthologies of such verses form a large and important, but still very much under-studied, group of texts.

In this talk, after some general remarks about this category of texts, I will discuss the occurrence of verses by Buddhist authors and of verses with references to Buddhist teachings in anthologies of primarily non-Buddhist verses, and the light that these shed on the knowledge of Buddhism among non-Buddhists, and the interactions between Buddhists and non-Buddhists, in the early centuries of the second millennium CE.



主講人:Harunaga Isaacson (漢堡大學)


Philosophy, Poetry, Metre, and Mantra at Vikramaśīla.

The intellectual environment in the early second millennium at the famous Buddhist centre of learning Vikramaśīla in Eastern India was an extraordinarily lively one. We are fortunate that a relatively large number of works composed in this place and time are still extant, some in their original Indic language(s) (mainly Sanskrit), others in Tibetan translations. From these something of the nature of this environment and of the interactions that took place in it can be gleaned. This talk will introduce this area of study, with particular focus on the rivalry and debates between two great Yogācāra masters, Ratnākaraśānti and Jñānaśrīmitra, rivalry which spanned not only doctrinal debates but other areas as well.

New Developments of Indological Studies: A Quick Survey

A general description of the cutting edge subjects and projects of the field will be followed by a question and answer session specifically for students interested in Indology, Buddhology, and manuscriptology.  


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