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Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and Buddhapālita’s commentary: A Philological Study on the Basis of Newly Identified Sanskrit Manuscripts

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《中論頌》與《佛護釋》—— 基於新發現梵文寫本的文獻學研究

Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and Buddhapālita's Commentary:

A Philological Study on the Basis of Newly Identified Sanskrit Manuscripts


中西書局 2011.9

ISBN 978-7-5475-0296-9/B.013

Previous:An Annotated Chinese Translation of the Buddhapālitamūlamadhyamakavṛtti
Next:Mūlamadhyamakakārikā: New Editions of the Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese Versions, with Commentary and a Modern Chinese Translation