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Notice | The Call for Papers of the 3rd International Conference on Tiantai Buddhism

Release time:2024-05-24 09:03  Source:    Author:

The Call for Papers of

the 3rd International Conference on Tiantai Buddhism


Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

In the spirit of promoting Tiantai (天台) culture and advancing Tiantai studies, the Buddhist Research Center at Peking University and the Tiantai Mountain Cultural Exchange Center co-hosted the 1st "International Conference on Tiantai Buddhism" at Peking University in 2019. The conference was a resounding success, attracting over 50 international scholars from China, Japan, Korea, and the West. An English version of the conference proceedings, including original English papers and selected translations from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, has been published, garnering significant attention from the academic community. The 2nd "International Conference on Tiantai Buddhism" was held in 2022 at Mount Tiantai, the ancestral temple and birthplace of Tiantai studies, with equally successful outcomes.

       The 3rd "International Conference on Tiantai Buddhism" is scheduled for December 21-22, 2024, at Peking University. This year's theme is "Tiantai Buddhism and Asian Civilizational Exchanges."

       We warmly invite scholars from all fields to participate and contribute their valuable papers.


May 4, 2024

The Buddhist Research Center at Peking University

East Asia Institute of Zhejiang Gongshang University


Date: December 21-22, 2024

Venue: Peking University

Conference Theme: Tiantai Buddhism and Asian Civilizational Exchanges

Sub-Themes (but not limited to):

1. Historical and Ideological Aspects of Tiantai in China, Japan, and Korea

2. Tiantai Patriarchs and Their Roles in Asian Civilizational Exchanges

3. Spread and Impact of Tiantai Sect in China, Japan, and Korea

4. Tiantai Sect and Buddhist Art, Literature, and Music

5. Circulation of Tiantai Texts in Asia

6. Research on Meditation, Rituals, and Confessional Methods of Tiantai in the Three Countries

7. Interactions between Tiantai and Esoteric Buddhism, Pure Land Sects, etc.

Paper Submission Guidelines:

1. The working languages of the conference are Chinese, English, and Japanese. Scholars may submit papers in any of these languages (with an apology to Korean scholars due to a lack of proficient Korean-speaking staff; however, general Korean translation services will be available). A 500-word English abstract is required.

2. Please register and submit your paper title and abstract by  June 30, 2024.  Full papers should be submitted by  November 30, 2024.  Ensure that your submission is unpublished. If previously published in English, Japanese, or Korean domestically, please ensure modifications are made to avoid copyright issues.

3. Complete revisions for publication before March 31, 2025. The conference proceedings are expected to be published separately in Chinese and English.

Conference Arrangements:

        1. There is no registration fee. The organizers will fully reimburse round-trip transportation expenses from the participant's workplace city to Beijing and cover accommodation and meals during the conference.

        2. Contact Email (Japanese): wangsatyam@qq.com

        3. Contact Email (Chinese/English): pkubuddhistcenter@163.com

Next:Notice | Sinification of Buddhism – Exchange and Mutual Learning among Civilizations