Ven.Wudeng, born in 1981 in Fuding city of China’s Fujian province, is a Lecturer in the School of Oriental Languages and Philosophy, Zhejiang Gongshang University. He currently serves as the executive director of the Zhejiang Gongshang University’s Research Center for Eastern Asian Buddhist Culture. He received his Ph.D in Otani University, Japan and conducted postdoctoral research in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University. He is certificated by Urasenke school in Japan as a senior tea ceremony master. He is also appointed as a Research Fellow at Buddhist Research Center of Peking University, Member of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Member of International Association for Tiantai Studies, and Member of Japanese Association for Religious Studies.
His research mainly focuses on Chinese Buddhism, Tiantai Studies, Japanese Buddhism, and Sino-Japanese Buddhist Culture.
1.Tiantai Studies and East Asian History
2. Cultural Exchanges between China and Japan
3. Tea Ceremony Practice
Selected Publications:
1. The Philosophical Roots of Zhiyi's "Six Wondrous Gates"天台智顗《六妙門》思想源流考
2. Examination of Spiritual Stages in Tiantai Philosophy天台行位思想考
3. Several Questions in the Biography of Zhiyi關於天台智顗的傳記中的幾個問題考
4. The Development of Zhiyi’s Framework of "Six Wondrous Gates"《六妙門》的系統與成立考
5. Examination of the Hierarchical Framework for the Sangha, the Practice and the Dharma in Japanese Buddhism日本佛教僧階、行階、法階制度考述
6. Zhiyi’s Idea on the Perfect Teachings in its Early Stage天台智顗的初期圓觀思想考
7. Reform and Modernization of Buddhism in Contemporary and Modern Japan近現代日本佛教的變革與現代化轉型
8. What is the Buddhist Practice of Patience何謂佛教忍辱行
9. Zongmi's Acceptance of the Indefinite Serenity and Contemplation in the "Six Wondrous Gates"圭峰宗密對天台不定止觀《六妙門》的受容
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