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ZHAO You(趙悠)

Release time:2023-05-09 20:42  Source:    Author:

Zhao You is currently assistant professor in the Deparment of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the figure of Vimalakīrti from the Indic to the Chinese context. Apart from the transmission of Buddhism in early Medieval period, she also has special interests in early Indian metaphysics and linguistic philosophy. She is now working on the Kālasamuddeśa of Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya with the support of National Social Science Fund for Junior Scholars (19CZX036).

Her recent publications include: “Oneself as Another: Yantraputraka Metaphors in Buddhist Literatures” (Religions, 2023); “Three Aspects of Indian Religious Traditions: Sacrifice, Liberation and Devotionalism” (JPKU, 2022); “The Wheel Unturned: A Study of the Zhuan falun jing (T109)” (JIABS, 2020); “Time in Early Indian Philosophy: From Patañjali to Bhartṛhari” (Foreign Philosophy, 2018); she is also co-translator of The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture by John Kieschnick.

Undergrad Courses: History of Indian Buddhism, Indian Buddhist Texts in Chinese Translations, Indian Philosophy and Religious Culture.

Graduate Courses: Chinese Translations of Buddhist Texts (III): Madhyamakakārikā, Reading in Ancient Indian Philosophy (I)(II), Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, Chinese Buddhism: Scrolls, Society and Soteriology (in English).

趙悠,北京大學哲學系(宗教學系)助理教授。博士論文聚焦於維摩詰多層次的人物形象從印度語境到漢語語境的變化。除二至五世紀佛教經典的翻譯和傳播以外,她還特别關注早期的印度形上學與語言思想, 主持有國家社科基金青年項目《梵本<時論>中的古印度時間哲學研究》(19CZX036)。

近期發表包括:《佛典中的機關木人喻》(Religions, 2023),《印度宗教傳統的三個面向——祭祀、解脫和虔信主義》(北大學報,2022),《未轉之輪:<轉法輪經>(T109)研究》(JIABS,2020),《早期印度哲學中時間概念的演變——從波檀闍利到伐致訶利》(外國哲學,2018)等;並合譯有《佛教對中國物質文化的影響》(柯嘉豪著,2015)。




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